Mission Statement

The mission of the WCRC is to improve the health and safety of individuals and families in Wayne County through comprehensive, community-wide strategies that reduce and prevent youth and adult substance use, assure treatment services are available and accessible for all, and promote long-term recovery for everyone.

Coalition Information

The Wayne County Recovery Coalition (WCRC) was established in 2019 to develop an integrated healthcare network for community collaboration to tackle the opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use disorder (SUD) crisis. At that time, several studies indicated that the rate of opioid overdoses in persons over the age of 20 in Wayne County, Georgia was among the highest in the state. In 2020, the WCRC was awarded a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) to address the opioid epidemic. In 2023, the WCRC was awarded the Drug Free Communities Support Program to address youth substance misuse. To learn more about the History of the WCRC, visit our About Us page.

Upcoming Meetings

Coalition MeetingsAugust 13, 2024
Committee Meetings:
  • Alcohol Response Team: September 3, 2024
  • Fentanyl Response Team: September 17, 2024
  • Vaping Response Team: COMING SOON!

WCRC Blogs

WCRC blogs are essential for the coalition as they educate the community about substance misuse, prevention, their effects, and available resources in the community.


Our blog will raise awareness of WCRC’s efforts and successes, upcoming events, work plan activities, and dispel substance misuse myths. By sharing stories of prevention and recovery challenges, our blogs will create a supportive community.


They will engage community members through discussions and feedback, strengthening connections and building a network of support. We look forward to helping the coalition connect with the community and fulfill its mission of prevention, treatment, and recovery.









Cover for Wayne County Recovery Coalition
Wayne County Recovery Coalition

Wayne County Recovery Coalition

The Wayne County Recovery Coalition is a community-wide coalition aimed at reducing substance misuse and connecting those seeking recovery and in long-term recovery to local resources in Wayne County, GA.

Recovery is like a choose-your-own-adventure book, but instead of fighting dragons, you're fighting the urge to eat an entire pizza by yourself! Connection is the opposite of addiction.#AnchoredInRecovery#GARecovers ... See MoreSee Less
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If you want to keep your recovery game strong, you have to make time for maintenance! And by maintenance, I mean connecting with others who are on the same recovery grind. It's like the opposite of addiction!#AnchoredInRecovery#GARecovers ... See MoreSee Less
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⚓ EXPANSION OF SERVICES at AnchoredAre you or a loved one ready to embark on the path to recovery? We invite you to take the first step, knowing that you won't have to navigate this journey alone.We have:💙 team of dedicated professionals by your side💙 support, guidance, and compassion💙 outpatient counseling💙 recovery support groups💙 ongoing case management💙 free substance use disorder servicesWe seek to:💙 enhance the continuum of care💙 ensure seamless transitions between different levels of treatment and support💙 empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being To access these services, reach out to our office directly. Our team will provide you with the necessary information, including direct numbers to providers or case managers, guiding you through the process of healing.⚓ Anchored | 189 N Brunswick St, Jesup, GA 31546 | 912.530.8889#AnchoredinRecovery #freerecoveryresource #JesupGa ... See MoreSee Less
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Support and understanding are crucial for those in recovery from drug addiction. Let's come together to break the stigma and offer compassion. Every step forward is a victory. 💚 #recoverysupport #endthestigma #StrongerTogether ... See MoreSee Less
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