Author: tslocumb

  • International Overdose Awareness Day (August 2024)

    Overdosing typically refers to taking an excessive amount of a substance, often a medication or a drug, beyond what is medically recommended or safe. When someone overdoses, their body may…

  • International Self-Care Day (July 2024)

    As the world gears up to celebrate International Self-Care Day on July 24th, it is a great momentto reflect on the significance of prioritizing our mental and physical well-being. In…

  • Men’s Health Month (June 2024)

    June is not just a month of summer solstice; it is also dedicated to raising awareness about men’shealth. Men’s overall mortality rate is 41% higher than women, and it is…

  • Mental Health Awareness Month (May 2024)

    In a world where physical health often takes the spotlight, it is crucial to shine an equallyimportant light on mental health. Mental health awareness is not just about understanding mentalhealth…

  • Alcohol Awareness Month (April 2024)

    Alcohol awareness is critical in understanding the profound impact of alcoholconsumption on individuals and society. According to the World Health Organization, alcohol isa leading risk factor for death and disability…

  • Tobacco Free for You and Me (March 2024)

    Tobacco usage may have once seemed a cultural norm, but as awareness grows, so does theunderstanding of its detrimental effects. Advocating against tobacco is not just abouthighlighting its dangers; it…

  • Take Care of Your Hearts! (February 2024)

    We often associate the month of February with hearts because of Valentine’s Day. However,there’s another reason we should think about hearts in February: It’s American Heart Month! February is designated…

  • New Year, New Mental Health (January 2024)

    People often don’t get the help they need because they don’t know where to start. As we navigate everyday life and life’s challenges, how are you coping? It is important…